Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message To Garcia

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about The Letter To Garcia. i really liked him reading this to us because i felt the same way. i felt that good work is really hard to come by and everyone wants a worker to do exactly as they say with no questions asked and that is how workers should be. before Mr. Schick read the story, we all had to find our seats, and get out our notebooks, and take any notes we felt were worth writing down, he read a quote from the story and the quote was "survival of the fittest" we sat and thought about what that meant for a while then he asked us our opinions about it. we got to talking about hunters, and the hunted, and and Mr. Schick did an imitation of a deer which was hilarious. i really like this class and i hope it stays as fun as it is now

ArĂȘte- ridge

Polis- city, or town

Socrates- ancient philosopher

Death of Socrates- Socrates was accused of refusing to recognize the gods. There was a vote to see if he was guilty, 280 said he was guilty and 220 said he was not. His punishment was a death penalty and was ordered to drink poison

The Socratic Method- used by Socrates, a method of teaching by question and answer

The Date 508 BC- a god, Zeus died

Agora- the center of Athens

What the ancient greeks meant if they called you an idiot-the law stated that everyone had to vote, and if you didn't you were called an idiot

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