Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Factbook Interrogations...

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the answers of the CIA world factbook questions that were in our most recent blog. the answers were very interesting because we found out that the United States imports more goods than any other country in the world, but it has very little amounts of exports. we also had a very very large discussion about things being made in china. we talked about why the US buys soooo many things from china and we hardly ever manufacture anything. Another thing we talked about that interest me was that Saudi Arabia exports the most oil in the world and we need to keep on paying them to ship it to us when they are all the way across the world, when mexico is right below us, and we don't buy nearly as much oil from mexico as compared to Saudi Arabia. Mr. Schick said that if we really jumped on solar energy when we first began harnessing it, then we would have far less pollution problems and we would burn up a fraction of the oil.

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