Thursday, September 27, 2012

God Grew Tired Of Us

today in Mr. Schick's class we watched some more of the film God Grew Tired Of Us. the movie showed the three boys john Daniel and Panther. John went to live in New York, where he was given an apartment and food to live for a while until he can get on his feet. the other two boys went to live in Pittsburgh and the class got a few laughs out of their journeys to America. the two boys Daniel and Panther lived together in an apartment and they had to be shown how to do everything that has to deal with electricity  because they have never seen any of it. they have been living completely secluded from any form of modern technology. we should continue to watch the movie tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Test review and movie

Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our test back and reviewed all of the questions. i got most of them right but i struggled on a few. i could have bet on it that Mr. Schick said that Mexico's immigration rate was #1 in the world but i guess i misheard... whatevs. Also in class we continued to watch the film God Grew Tired Of Us and we had to take a few notes on what was going on and how the war was going on and how the civilians were reacting to the whole situation. the movie talked a lot about how the lost boys of Sudan went to the boarder to Ethiopia while the war was going on. then Ethiopia government fell so the boys fled to Kenya to find safety until the war was over. this was as far as we got in the film and hopefully we willl watch again tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Test and Sudan civil war

Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a really big test on population terms and concepts. it was pretty easy even though i didn't study over the weekend. i guess me doing nothing but paying attention in class is paying off. Also in class we watched part of a film called God Grew Tired Of Us, that's a pretty depressing title. anyway its an award winning film about three of the lost boys of Sudan. we hardly got into the movie because we were having audio problems and we could not get any sound out of the speakers. we had to watch the movie with subtitles so it was pretty hard to pay attention and understand what the people in the movie were saying and what they were doing. besides all that, i think today's class went pretty well.

sickness sucks

i was not in class Friday due to sickness

Thursday, September 20, 2012


today in class we worked on our presentations and a few people presented in front of class

Monday, September 17, 2012

Population And Settlement

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about "Population And Settlement" on this subject, we talked about how there are 7 BILLION people on the earth. BILLION. we also talked about how the population of the earth is growing by 14,00 people per hour! also we learned that 90% of the growth takes place in developing countries like Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. in class we also talked about Life Expectancy. the United States Life Expectancy is around 78.94 years of age. 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women. another thing we talked about in class was the Total Fertility Rate. The United States Fertility Rate is 2.06. it would take about 2.1 babies per woman to stay the same population, but at this rate, we are slowly decreasing. our Fertility Rate in the US is decreasing our population, but the amount of immigrants that the US takes in, Fills in the decrease and makes our population grow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Factbook Interrogations...

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the answers of the CIA world factbook questions that were in our most recent blog. the answers were very interesting because we found out that the United States imports more goods than any other country in the world, but it has very little amounts of exports. we also had a very very large discussion about things being made in china. we talked about why the US buys soooo many things from china and we hardly ever manufacture anything. Another thing we talked about that interest me was that Saudi Arabia exports the most oil in the world and we need to keep on paying them to ship it to us when they are all the way across the world, when mexico is right below us, and we don't buy nearly as much oil from mexico as compared to Saudi Arabia. Mr. Schick said that if we really jumped on solar energy when we first began harnessing it, then we would have far less pollution problems and we would burn up a fraction of the oil.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Factbook Questions

1.) what is the population of the United States?
2.) what are the five largest Countries in the world, by population?
   United States
3.)whats the population of Pakistan?
   190,291,129 people
4.)What kind of government does the united states have?
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5.) What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
6.) What is the largest country in the world by area?
   Russia; 17,098,242 sq km
7.) What country has the third greatest number of Airports?
8.) What country has the greatest number of exports?
   European Union; 15,650,000,000,000
9.) What country exports more oil than any other?
   Saudi Arabia
10.) What country imports more oil than any other?
   United States
11.) What country consumes more oil than any other?
   Unites States
12.) Can women serve in combat roles in china's military?
   Yes, as of last year (2011)
13.) What is GDP?
   Gross Domestic Product.
14.) Which country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, And how much is it?
   Liechtenstein, 141,100
15.) What is the top ten for GDP Per Capita?
$ 141,100
2008 est.
$ 104,300
2011 est.
$ 81,100
2011 est.
$ 69,900
2004 est.
$ 60,500
2011 est.
$ 57,000
2005 est.
7Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
$ 55,400
2002 est.
$ 54,200
2011 est.
$ 50,000
2011 est.
10Hong Kong
$ 49,800
2011 est.

16.) Most country's with the highest birth rate can be found in what continent?
17.) 11 of the top 12 country's with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?
18.) What other country's are in the top ten?
1South Africa
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.

19.) Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?
20.) Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
   No, China is #1
21.) What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
22.) What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
23.) What Does Net Migration mean?
   Amount of immigrants/1000 People
24.) Does the US have the highest Net Migration rate in the world?
25.) What is the current population on the entire planet?
   7,021,836,029 (July 2012)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Evaluating Websites

1.) i think the CIA World Factbook is an appropriate source for a research paper because it has links to go to its sources and it provides full information on a subject.

2.) I think that the Message To Garcia is a appropriate source for a research paper because it has direct quotes, a biography of Elbert Hubbard and the Original Manuscript.

3.) I do not think The Council On Foreign Relations is an appropriate source because it is not direct enough and it is fairly difficult to read and obtain information. Also the website does not provide any proof of its information and has no sources.

4.)  I do not think The NASA Kids' Club is an appropriate source because it is full of games and is not very informative about anything. i don't think Elmo going to mars will help us with writing a paper...

5.) I think the "Young Voters Don't Give Up On Obama" is an appropriate source because it has valuable information and sources to back up that information. also it has persuasive videos and speakers to help get its point across.

6.) I think The New York Times is an appropriate source because it has a lot of information and has many sources to prove it is accurate.

7.) I do not think Fox News is a good source because it does not have enough sources in my opinion to be able to back up its statements, even though it is very fluent with its facts, it is just not enough to persuade me.

8.) I think Wikipedia is an appropriate source because it has a great amount of information, more than enough sources to show where they got the information and it is very thorough about giving information on a subject.

9.) this is a wonderful source!!! it has links and information about Socrates and Elbert Hubbard! The Best!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we talked about writing research papers and we spent a lot of time talking about how websites like Wikipedia or can be somewhat unreliable because any person could get on that page and put in false information or sabotage the information and links and if it is not a very important page, then no one might know about it. also we talked about how some pages are locked to the public like Mitt Romney's page and Barrack Obama's information pages are locked because someone could say something to influence the election in one sides favor. another thing we talked about was how there are key words in Wikipedia that are highlighted and these words could have a link attached to them that takes you to another page which describes the word.  Wikipedia is a great resource to find information on but I would always check to see if the information on the page is correct by checking another website or different source.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #3

in my freshman year i am going to try to not get in trouble at all because i came from a public school and this private school is not going to put up with anything. my sophomore year i am going to try and get into some AP courses from classes that i did excellent in my freshman year. junior year i am going to try and get in all honors classes and pass science with a 85 or higher because im not that great in science. finally my senior year i am going to try and do the best senior project ever. i already have a few ideas but i still have a long time to think about it. This is my plan for my high school years in The John Carroll School.

Essay #2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates traveled in time to the present then they would realize that the whole world has gotten lazy with all of the technology and cars. no one has to put out any effort to get things done. Socrates would see that no one cares about having a say in things so they elect somone to say it for them. Elbert Hubbard would realize how badly people procrastinate and try to get out of doing work. Almost all people wont bring the message to Garcia because no one ever gets kicked with a number 9 boot. but on the other hand a few people will just get the job done without asking questions. i think Elbert Hubbard and Socrates would be very surprised in how things and people have changed from when they lived, for better and for worse.

Essay #1

My original definition of arete was that it was a ridge of some kind, but obviously that is not right so I have to revise my statement. My new original definition of arete is the act of excellence or living up to ones potential. The Greeks demonstrated arete by creating a type of government called "democracy" which is still used by governments around the world. Democracy lets any citizen say what they need to say and express their feelings on a subject or situation. When the Greeks created this government it instantly became a very large part of history. i think Socrates demonstrated arete also. Socrates stood up for what he believed in even if his life was at stake. this is a great example of excellence.