Wednesday, December 5, 2012


  1. Capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
  2. Communism: A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
  3. Free Enterprise: An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control
  4. Free Market: An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses

Friday, November 16, 2012

country Facts

Was ruled by spain until September 16th 1810, when Mexico acheived independence. In 1521 Spain conquered and colonized the territory now known has Mexico. The post independence period was characterized by economic instability, a civil war, two empires and a domestic dictatorship.

was never ruled by another empire. Was founded in 1932. Has been and absolute monarchy since its inception.

United Kingdom-
has never been ruled, but once ruled the world at one point in time. The sun never set on the Brittish empire. The United Kingdom once ruled America and many other countries.

Was colonized by Spain in 1522. Venezuala gained independence in 1821. Was ruled by Spain. Venezuala had many indigidous peoples living. Before independence Many indigeous people lived here.


Gained Independence on August 19th,1919

In Afghan on December 1838 there was a war called the Two Anglo Afghan War. In the fourth and nineteenth centuries modern day Afghanistan was known as Khorasan. After the Third Anglo-Afghan war and the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi it became a fully independent state

They were subjects to the United Kingdom


Was founded in 625 BCE by the median empire. Iran achieved independence on April 1, 1979. Iran was ruled by empires. Iran did not have a stable government before 1979. Iran was always Iran, it was ruled by many empires through the years.


Gained Independence on September 7th, 1822

On April 22nd, 1500 a Portuguese navigator named Pedro Alvares Cabral reached the shores of Brazil. The country got its name from "brazilwood" a redwood tree found along the coast. The king of Portuguese ruled Brazil before they gained indepenence.

They were subjects to portuguese


They gained independence on July 14th, 1789

France used to have a monarchy until the 1700's. King Louis XIV made France at the time the leading country in Europe. France's monarchy was destroyed after a war in 1789.

France was never owned by any country

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


Was colonized by Spain in 1522. Venezuala gained independence in 1821. Was ruled by Spain. Venezuala had many indigidous peoples living. Before independence Many indigeous people lived here.


They gained independence on January 18th, 1871

Germany was part of the thirty years war. Germany divided into numerous independent states called Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony. The northern states in Germany were protestant, and the southern states were catholic.

I couldn't find anything but im gonna guess the Dutch

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


They gained there independence on August 15th, 1947

In the 20th century Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people to gain independence from Britain.European powers such as Portugal, Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom established trading posts in India. Later then they established colonies.

They were controlled by Great Britain.

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama's presidential characteristics

some traits that will help obama with his presidency are...

1.) Obama is focusing on laying the foundation for an economy built to last

2.) He has served many years of public service

3.) He has been raised by being taught to earn his way through life

4.) As the US senator, he reached groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's most dangerous weapons, and brought transparency to government by putting federal spending online

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

facts on world leaders

Enrique Pena Nieto
  • lived with the president at that time during his presidency,and had friends and relatives who were involved in politics
  • went to Law School, became a lawyer, and got his Master's Degree

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

  • developed a government scholarship program 
  • was rated the second worst dictator in the world 

Angela Merkel
  • had a goal to strengthen transatlantic economic relations 
  • was awarded the Vision for Europe Award
                                               Benjamin Netanyahu
  • brother was killed in Israeli Special Force
  • delivered a peace address ("Bar-llan Speech")
Hu Jintao
  • has a low-key leadership style
  • firm believer in consensus-based rule
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • has been criticized for attacking private "plunderers" and "corrupt officials"
  • accused for indecency after he kissed the hand of his former school teacher
Hamid Karzai
  • brother was at the center of the drug trade
  • his family became wealthy by murky means
Francois Hollande 
  • on his first trip to a foreign country his airplane was struck by lightning 
  •  first President to be elected without having prior experience as a Minister and / or Junior Minister since Paul Deschanel in 1920
Pranab Mukherjee
  • became one of Indira Gandhi's most trusted lieutenants
  • accused of committing gross excesses 
Hugo Chavez
  • homicide rates have more than doubled 
  • suffering from cancer
David Cameron
  • stated that the United Kingdom Independence Party are "fruitcakes, loonies, and closet racist, mostly"
  • thinks of himself as a "modern compassionate conservative"
Dilma Rousseff
  • first female president elected in Brazil
  • she was arrested and tortured ( punching, electric shock, and ferule)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pop Quiz

Today in class we went over our Countries, Government, and Leaders blog . We didn't really talk about what type of government the countries have be did talk about their leaders and what they do. After we went over all the leaders Mr. Schick told us he was going to quiz us on the countries and leaders at the end of class. So we each go a partner and studied together, I knew right away I wasn't going to do very well on the quiz because I can’t remember all of the countries and their leaders in just a couple minutes. By the end of class Mr. Schick ended up only testing Ryan and I. i got most of the questions right but i had to skip two. i got a 10.5/12 so after that I'm feeling pretty confident about the quiz.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Geography


Constitution, Federal republic, Presidential system

Enrique Nieto


Single-party state, Communist state, Socialist state

Hu Jianto


Parliamentary system, Democracy, Republic

Pranab Mukherjee


Presidential system, Islamic republic

Hamid Karzai


Islamic republic, Unitary state, Theocracy

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Liberal democracy, Parliamentary system

Shimon Peres



Angela muckel

United Kindom

Hereditary monarchy

Queen Elizabeth 11 of the United Kingdom
David Cameron


Semi-presidential system

Fancois Hollande



Dilma Rousseff


Federal republic

Hugo Chaves

Saudi Arabia


Abdullah of Saudi Arabia 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test Questions

1.) When was Christianity first founded?
     30 A.D.
2.) Why did the vikings leave current time Greenland?
     Harsh climate
3.) What was the biggest religion?
4.) What religion is also an ethnic group? 
5.) How did the native Americans come to America
    the ice bridge

Thursday, October 11, 2012

power point

today in Mr. Schick's we talked about cultural geography. Some characteristics of cultural geography are that groups of people teach each other things. Ideas and themes spread like crazy when people hang out with each because they teach each other about them. These themes and ideas can either link together or divide a group. The Spanish language unites the Hispanic world. But it Brazil, some people speak Portuguese and some people speak Spanish. Does this mean that the people of Brazil hate each other? No, it means that different parts of Brazil speak different languages because that's what they have been taught. In the world today, English is considered the world's language. This doesn't mean that people who speak English and people that speak Spanish don't like each other.

Monday, October 8, 2012


today in Mr. Schicks class we went over the test then we got into groups which were Indians  vikings, and Columbus. i am in the viking group and we have to answer 8 questions about the group. they were:

  1. When did your group first arrive in the Americas?
  2. In what present-day place did they first arrive?
  3. How did they get here?
  4. Were there other cultures of people present in the Americas when they arrived?
  5. Did they fight to conquer the Americas?
  6. Were they sent by order of someone else to find new land?
  7. Did they stay in the Americas for any length of time?
  8. Did they respect (take care of) the land?
our group did not get very far on our power point because we were having trouble all connecting with the link. hopefully we can get the problem resolved and start working on the power point asap.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

God Grew Tired Of Us

today in Mr. Schick's class we watched some more of the film God Grew Tired Of Us. the movie showed the three boys john Daniel and Panther. John went to live in New York, where he was given an apartment and food to live for a while until he can get on his feet. the other two boys went to live in Pittsburgh and the class got a few laughs out of their journeys to America. the two boys Daniel and Panther lived together in an apartment and they had to be shown how to do everything that has to deal with electricity  because they have never seen any of it. they have been living completely secluded from any form of modern technology. we should continue to watch the movie tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Test review and movie

Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our test back and reviewed all of the questions. i got most of them right but i struggled on a few. i could have bet on it that Mr. Schick said that Mexico's immigration rate was #1 in the world but i guess i misheard... whatevs. Also in class we continued to watch the film God Grew Tired Of Us and we had to take a few notes on what was going on and how the war was going on and how the civilians were reacting to the whole situation. the movie talked a lot about how the lost boys of Sudan went to the boarder to Ethiopia while the war was going on. then Ethiopia government fell so the boys fled to Kenya to find safety until the war was over. this was as far as we got in the film and hopefully we willl watch again tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Test and Sudan civil war

Today in Mr. Schick's class we took a really big test on population terms and concepts. it was pretty easy even though i didn't study over the weekend. i guess me doing nothing but paying attention in class is paying off. Also in class we watched part of a film called God Grew Tired Of Us, that's a pretty depressing title. anyway its an award winning film about three of the lost boys of Sudan. we hardly got into the movie because we were having audio problems and we could not get any sound out of the speakers. we had to watch the movie with subtitles so it was pretty hard to pay attention and understand what the people in the movie were saying and what they were doing. besides all that, i think today's class went pretty well.

sickness sucks

i was not in class Friday due to sickness

Thursday, September 20, 2012


today in class we worked on our presentations and a few people presented in front of class

Monday, September 17, 2012

Population And Settlement

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about "Population And Settlement" on this subject, we talked about how there are 7 BILLION people on the earth. BILLION. we also talked about how the population of the earth is growing by 14,00 people per hour! also we learned that 90% of the growth takes place in developing countries like Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. in class we also talked about Life Expectancy. the United States Life Expectancy is around 78.94 years of age. 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women. another thing we talked about in class was the Total Fertility Rate. The United States Fertility Rate is 2.06. it would take about 2.1 babies per woman to stay the same population, but at this rate, we are slowly decreasing. our Fertility Rate in the US is decreasing our population, but the amount of immigrants that the US takes in, Fills in the decrease and makes our population grow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Factbook Interrogations...

Today in Mr. Schick's class we talked about the answers of the CIA world factbook questions that were in our most recent blog. the answers were very interesting because we found out that the United States imports more goods than any other country in the world, but it has very little amounts of exports. we also had a very very large discussion about things being made in china. we talked about why the US buys soooo many things from china and we hardly ever manufacture anything. Another thing we talked about that interest me was that Saudi Arabia exports the most oil in the world and we need to keep on paying them to ship it to us when they are all the way across the world, when mexico is right below us, and we don't buy nearly as much oil from mexico as compared to Saudi Arabia. Mr. Schick said that if we really jumped on solar energy when we first began harnessing it, then we would have far less pollution problems and we would burn up a fraction of the oil.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Factbook Questions

1.) what is the population of the United States?
2.) what are the five largest Countries in the world, by population?
   United States
3.)whats the population of Pakistan?
   190,291,129 people
4.)What kind of government does the united states have?
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5.) What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
6.) What is the largest country in the world by area?
   Russia; 17,098,242 sq km
7.) What country has the third greatest number of Airports?
8.) What country has the greatest number of exports?
   European Union; 15,650,000,000,000
9.) What country exports more oil than any other?
   Saudi Arabia
10.) What country imports more oil than any other?
   United States
11.) What country consumes more oil than any other?
   Unites States
12.) Can women serve in combat roles in china's military?
   Yes, as of last year (2011)
13.) What is GDP?
   Gross Domestic Product.
14.) Which country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, And how much is it?
   Liechtenstein, 141,100
15.) What is the top ten for GDP Per Capita?
$ 141,100
2008 est.
$ 104,300
2011 est.
$ 81,100
2011 est.
$ 69,900
2004 est.
$ 60,500
2011 est.
$ 57,000
2005 est.
7Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
$ 55,400
2002 est.
$ 54,200
2011 est.
$ 50,000
2011 est.
10Hong Kong
$ 49,800
2011 est.

16.) Most country's with the highest birth rate can be found in what continent?
17.) 11 of the top 12 country's with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?
18.) What other country's are in the top ten?
1South Africa
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.
2009 est.

19.) Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?
20.) Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
   No, China is #1
21.) What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
22.) What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
23.) What Does Net Migration mean?
   Amount of immigrants/1000 People
24.) Does the US have the highest Net Migration rate in the world?
25.) What is the current population on the entire planet?
   7,021,836,029 (July 2012)